The pump coated for severe service is suitable for the most aggressive applications of wear. The pump lined for severe services easily handles large size particles in dense abrasive slurries and offers the right combination of ruggedness, durability, hydraulics and materials.
Since the downloading of grinder to the crusher more difficult to discharge the water, the pump for severe coated services is the best choice.
When combined with the pump coated to severe service, all of your grinder services can be met.
Size range (discharge)
5 "30"
125 mm to 750 mm
up to 45,000 gpm
up to 10,225 m3 / h
up to 180 feet
up to 55 m
to 130 psi
to 900 kPa
Rotors large diameter, low speed and high eficiência
The latest resistant materials desgaste
Elastomeric coatings or interchangeable metal or metal without revestimento
simple setting of "full face" finish lateral
packing box design autocentrante
rapid exchange of "piece" of the wet part in the larger sizes
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